Rowville Central Clinic provides a wide variety of healthcare services ranging from general practice and occupational medicine to allied health services including physiotherapy, podiatry, psychology and nutrition.
Appointments for all services offered at our clinic can be made by phoning (03) 9763 8899 during our opening hours of 8.30am to 10pm on weekdays and 9am to 3pm on weekends. One of our friendly receptions will be happy to assist you with your needs.
Dorevitch Pathology is available between 8.30am and 12.30pm on weekdays, no appointments necessary.
Our general consultations are all bulk billed for Medicare cardholders, meaning there is no out of pocket cost. Other services such as vaccination and allied-health services may incur additional costs. Credit card facilities are available.
Please remember to bring your medicare card and health care card if applicable so that your consultation can be bulk billed. Also, please ensure we have your current address and phone number to allow us to contact you if required.